I have a few pet peeves today in regards to the music industry.
One of them is the lack of originality.
The other is how many people have no idea about the original songs
these 'new' tracks have borrowed from.
While I am certainly no guru on the subject,
I have decided to dedicate my first post to some songs that you
may or may not have known were sampled and re-used to make big hits.
The first culprit - Poker Face by Lady Gaga
While I am the first to admit that Gaga is musics recent
performance savior - It doesn't change
the fact that one of the base elements of Poker Face
is indeed been borrowed from that of...
Ma Baker by Boney M
The now rapturous MA MA MA MA's first happen at about
1:03, then continues throughout the rest of the song.
This one really hits a nerve with me.
Watcha Say from Jason Derülo
The 'mmm watcha say' that this song is so well known for
is, in fact, from the beautiful...
Imogen Heap, with Hide and Seek
You will find the familiar melody hiding somewhere around 2:52,
but I highly recommend the entire song.
This next one is probably the best example
I can give of how this happens today.
Right Now from Akon - I've had to use the non-official version
because of Vevo constraints - Sorry
This particular song has zero originality, It doesn't make it not a great tune
- in fact I love it and used to play it on repeat.
It still doesn't change the fact that it is a complete rip off of this next song
- right down to the 'Na Na Na's and the excessive auto-tune.
Remember from The Underdog Project
While the next example is not particularly well known,
it will tickle the fancy of some more classically trained musicians out there,
or just fans of Mancini.
---------** WARNING**--------- The following song contains very adult content.
Dance with the Devil from Immortal Technique
The first time I heard Dance with the Devil it really touched me
and reminded me that I am human,
but part of what makes it so powerful is the jumps between sixths that is...
Henri Mancini's Love Story
My grandparents used to have a music box that played this song,
I still think of that when I hear this.
**EDIT** Before you start bombarding me saying this is a collaboration- That's great, I'm happy you know, many don't.**End EDIT**
With this one I kind of feel like I am beating a dead horse.
So many people complain about this one,
yet it is still something people just don't get. Just have a little listen to the first 20 seconds of each one
and you will get my drift.
Here is the original..
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger from Daft Punk
These are obviously only a few of the many, many, many, many
(you get the idea) examples that could be used, the list goes on and on.
There are countless Michael Jackson bass licks and Beatles melodies hidden
in todays 'fresh' music, but I was trying to focus on
really obvious samples here. I'd love to hear your pet peeves in this area.
Leave me a message in the comments with anything you feel like should be on this list.
Thanks - KT